Wind 15 – 20 knots, Sunny 13 nm Low tide 2:51
Departed Cid Harbour at 10:00, the wind had developed during the night and become rather strong. We pulled the main up in Cid Harbour as it was slightly sheltered and just as we hauled it up two dugongs surfaced. It’s a shame we were busy as I could have got a decent photo.
Sailed across to Airlie in excellent winds, at times we were romping along at 9 knts. The main gave us grief when we tried to drop it, the cars wouldn’t slide down very well. Eventually with some persuasion is obliged and we motored into the marina and tied up in a cat berth on O/P finger.
We are in the longest finger about half way along

Met up with Paul and Kath on Moor R & R for lunch at Barcelona’s tapas bar just below the marina office. Excellent food and excellent company, great to see them again. An hour later Bryan and Deb arrived and more beers were drunk. Marina fees were very reasonable, with the Shaggers discount our berth came down from $150 per night to $90, not bad.

Des and Molly Plunket golfing friends of John’s from Maclean came and had a drink, they are travelling up the coast in their caravan. I managed to offload the rubbish and get the washing done before dark just in time for John and I to wander up to Sorrento’s for dinner.
Sorrento’s is a lovely bar come restaurant at the ocean end of the marina on the edge of the boardwalk. We shared a marinated lamb pizza between us as we weren’t very hungry and looked out over the fairy lights of the moored boats.