Wind E – SE 15 – 20 getting up to 25 in the am Sunny
Finally on the move again after getting some more essentials and filling up with water and fuel.
We all gathered at the Longboard Bar and Grill overlooking Magnetic for a lovely breakfast , with the southerners once again reveling in the warm sunshine.

Left the marina at 1:00 and intermittently sailed and motor sailed across to Maggie. The promised wind did not happens until we cleared Cape Cleveland then we managed 8 knts, a little too fast for the lures though. We sailed past Magnetic in the hope of seeing whales or catching fish. Martin and Stump (Steve) diligently watched the rods on the back deck but we didn’t even get a touch.

Arrived at Maggie at 3:30 and anchored in our favourite spot just off the boat ramp out of the jetski area and in .9 of water at two hours after low tide.

After getting organised we went ashore to the Marlin Bar in the dinghy for an early happy hour .

The vista as usual was magnificent with the yachts quietly anchored in Horseshoe Bay and the Stone Curlews coming out on dusk to scab chips. The meals were very tasty especially the marinara with real scallops and coral trout.
We were back on Ovive reasonably early in time for cards and fishing. The dinghy and its 4 hp motor is doing very well carrying six adults and Morgan to and from shore.

More drinks ( well lots more for some) while we played Black bitch and Martin fished. He only caught small yellow lipped bream but got broken off by something quite large, probably a shark.
At 10:30 we turned in as Leanne’s and my eyes were drooping and John was trying to ruin Eds chances of winning. The rum bottle was quite low by the time John and Steve had fished with it, Steve putting that down to the first day of his holidays.
Jenkins looks like she’s enjoying herself.!!!
She sure is