Well the good times don’t last long, retirement was short lived but thoroughly enjoyable. Its back to the grindstone to coin a phrase. The fellow we sold our company to struggled to make a go of it so the bank has taken it back. Either we lose all the money he owes us or we buy it back and try to build it up again and resell it.
The latter was a better option for our retirement plans back we go.
The last days have gone past in a blur of phone calls and emails as we try to restart a company without infrastructure and personnel, especially the admin staff. From dawn to midnight we’ve been busy organising work, personnel and everything else required to get a company back on its feet. Lucky we’ve seen Airlie before as we’ve been closeted in the boat with poor Morgan getting fatter laying around sleeping.
Our plans have changed. After Dave and Laura have spent the week with us we will sail the boat down to Mackay and leave her in the marina for two to three weeks and fly or drive home to sort things out. Once the initial sorting out is done we will come back up and sail her down to Yamba on a reasonably fast trip, that is as long as we have northerlies not those nasty south easterlies.
On a more enjoyable note on the first night we arrived here we caught up with Chris , Mick and Todd Bleach from Yamba on Curlew. We savoured a lovely meal at Sorrentos in wonderful company . They a have a few days to spend in the Whitsundays then are migrating south with all the other sensible yachties.

We managed a trip to the chandlery at Jubilee Pocket yesterday to buy the parts for the repairs and in between phone calls we are madly trying to get them done before our guests arrive.
The blog will continue as long as we are on the boat.
Are you suggesting that we are not sensible? You know something that we dont? Glad you got there safely. Bugger about the business thing. If we can be of any help, don’t hesitate to ask. I think Paul is looking for a project over the next 6 months! Still in Townsville but heading to Nelly bay on the 1st. Hope you have a lovely week! Xxx