Wind SE 15 – 25 knts
Picked up the courtesy car from the marina at 8:30 and drove down to Cannonvale Home Hardware to buy 50 metres of anchor chain as ours is almost rusted through. Took a while to load it into the ute and get it back to the boat as it weighed about 100kgs.

Took the old anchor chain off and replaced it with the new gal chain which ran much more freely over the gypsy. One job done, 4 to go!
- Pull out the prodder and get it welded
- Get a new stripper arm made or sort one out while waiting for the one to arrive from New Zealand
- Replace the standing block on the mainsheet
- Pick up frig thermostat and replace old one
Cycled to Sorrentos to have lunch with Molly and Des as they are heading south tomorrow. We enjoyed a very delicious lunch overlooking the islands and the marina. I ordered the chilli mussels and clams and Molly the soft shell crab with a tomatoe concasse.
Farewelled Molly and Des and ambled down the marina to visit Paul and Kath who had arrived back from the outer reef.

Sundowners at Sorrentos with the rest of the Shaggers in the Airlie Beach area turned into a jolly evening ending up with pizzas for dinner.