15 – 20 – 25 knts Sunny
This morning the wind has become fairly strong as we took Morgan for a walk up to the local shops to buy a paper. We treated ourselves (or should I say our waistlines) to a half loaf of freshly baked bread from the bakery which we carried back to Ovive and promptly made bacon sandwiches.
Later we caught the bus to Smithfield shopping centre to get a new phone for me as it stopped working in Cooktown. It turned out the battery was dead so we ended up in getting John a new phone as his brick of a Nokia is very hard to read and ancient. My phone is still playing up but it will do for a while.
Andy Hallinan met us at the shops and gave us a lift to Steve Ford’s Geo depot where they lent us a ute to use while we are here. Now we can get the gas bottle filled and the outboard fuel topped up easily.