Wind 20 – 30 Knts
Up to the park with Morgan for a quick run before we pick up our courtesy car for our free 1.5 hours. Paul and Kath accompanied us, Kath and I shopping while John and Paul went to Marlin Marine on Shute Harbour Rd to see if they could sort out the stays for the prodder and get a new block for the mainsheet.

Dropped my computer off at the computer shop as the guy reckons the hard drive is failing according to the symptoms I have described to him.
Brunch at Barcelonas , well worth it for $10 then back to O’vive to install the thermostat into the cool box. Not an easy task as it as usual is tucked into a very small space.
The remainder on the afternoon was taken up with a ride to the hairdressers in Airlie and a general boat tidy up.

Marcel with her lovely bubbly personality came for happy hour, it was great to see her and hear that she is thoroughly enjoying her trip around the country.
Walked round to Deb and Bryan’s boat, (not far from us) for lamb shanks for dinner and was introduced to Debs sister Di who is sailing with them for a week. Another excellent evening with lots of laughs. Paul and Kath joined us for a drink after dinner for more frivolity.
The weather is not yet typical north Queensland as it is quite cool at night especially with the wind and I am still wearing a light cardigan some of the day. Daytime temperature are in the mid to low twenties.
Hi Jen / John
what’s a prodder
Hi Tony
It sticks out the front of the boat like a bowsprit, its an aluminium pole that a halyard (rope) is attached to that can hoist up another sail, we hoist the screecher from it. When are you coming for a sail so you can learn all this, hurry up?