Wind 10 – 15 knts from the Nor east Sunny
Before breaky we completed a few last minute chores . While attaching the screecher back on its prodder arm we found the block on the end of the prodder was coming apart .John rode up to the wards to buy a new block and $150 later we were able to raise the screecher without any problems.

Dave and Laura walked, while John and I rode, and Morgan ran. along the boardwalk to the Fat Frog for breakfast. As usual breakfast was very tasty and enjoyed by all of us except Morgan who was expecting bacon and only got poached egg as a tidbit.
I detoured via the plaza to pick up sea sick tablets for Laura and a newspaper for John then rode back to the marina in readiness for departure.
John maneuvered Ovive out of her pen and we headed out towards Hook Island. At first the wind was on the nose so we motored north in the hope of changing to enough angle to sail. We gained enough angle to turn more towards the south and were able to sail . It was a lovely serene sail, we glided along at 6 knots ,put the lures out and relaxed.
Dave pulled in a small spotted mackerel that when John netted it unhooked itself and we nearly lost it. No such luck for the spotty, it was destined for the pan.
The tiny bay of False Nara looked flat and apparently good snorkeling. We picked up a mooring buoy , and sat back and ate chicken rolls while watching a group of snorkelers off Waltzing Matilda flounder around in the water.

After lunch we headed into the water for a snorkel. The water quality was slightly murky making viewing of the coral in the deeper areas difficult. In shallow , viewing was good with quite a few fish species darting around.

Later back on Ovive we fished but only managed fish a little too small to keep. John pulled in a beautiful Red Emperor but he was lucky and got to live another day.

A decent size sweetlip finally made it to the filleting board, should be tasty for breakfast.
John cooked us mackerel with a sweet and sour sauce for dinner accompanied by salad and chat potatoes.