Wind 10 – 15 Nor East turning easterly in morning Sunny Almost full moon
The night was a little rolly as occasional waves rolled in from Whitsunday Passage .

After breakfast of my favorite, fish in white sauce, David went for another snorkel. He said it wasn’t as good as yesterday as the tide was a lot higher and the sun had yet to rise to overhead for better visibility.

We headed round the bottom of Hook Is , hauled up the main and jib and sailed up through Hook passage with the lures out. We had a lovely sail down past Whitsunday island with Dave and Laura lounging around on the trampolines and pullpits and the boat averaging 6 knts. No fish though.
Whitehaven looked deserted, not the usual crowds and boats, just a couple of helicopters on the beach. We dropped Dave and Laura on shore for a Whitehaven beach experience.
The pristine white beach stretches for 7 kms and is only accessible by boat or helicopter. Whitehaven Beach is known all over the world for its white sands. The sand consists of 98% pure silica which gives it a bright white color. Local rocks do not contain silica so it has been suggested that the sands were brought to the beach via prevailing sea currents over millions of years.
Unlike regular sand, the sand on Whitehaven Beach does not retain heat making it comfortable to walk barefoot on a hot day.
I took Morgan ashore for ten minutes to run in the shallows , she thoroughly enjoyed her land time, then back to Ovive where John and gave the hulls a touch up.

After lunch we sailed round to Tongue Bay just north of Whitehaven beach and anchored in 3 metres of water. There was a spare blue mooring buoy but we couldn’t pick it up as it was out of commission.
John put a line overboard but we seemed to get small nibbles or bitten off by large somethings. Several times we had to tie new tackle on and start again. John thought perhaps a shark. He caught a couple of small stripeys which we cut up for bait.
Dinner was a simple fare of corned silverside and steamed vegies followed by the movie Waterworld with Kevin Costner as Dave thought that would be appropriate.
“No fish though” I knew paying that Haitian women to put a “NO FISH” curse on you guys was money well spent. Now if I can stop the entire Japanese fishing fleet that will stop the other half of the fish being taken.
“Sour grapes does not become you”
Yes it does, Kathy has me on a diet and I am starving.
We are just very jealous of your successes. We had another not near enough miss yesterday coming over here to Maggie. At least we didn’t lose either lure or line or both, just the fish!