Took rubbish and another couple of loads of washing to the laundry then breakfast at the cafe out the front of the marina just under the Shangrai – la Hotel. The fare was average but we met a fellow Raymond ( huge bloke) who we met here in 2005. The first thing he asked was does your daughter still have that ugly cat. Well the answer is of course yes and its called Yoda. We yarned with him for a while , apparently he comes and goes on his boat from Cairns to Perth. He is thinking he may brave the NSW bars next years. ( not the alcoholic ones)

After buying some new golf clothes for John we went back and tidied the boat. John then took a taxi to the driving range at Cairns Golf club in the hope of honing his rather rusty skills in preparation for tomorrow. He flies to Newcastle for his annual golf weekend with Joel, Bloomy, Michael Barlee Kelly Gailbraith (all from the Upper Murray ) and some others.

Adrian and Kay Cass from Khancoban are in Cairns at the moment visiting Deanna and Dusty, so along with Andy H they came for dinner on board. We had an enjoyable time catching up , especially with Deanna and Dusty as we haven’t seen them for quite a few years.
After they left I put the crab trap off the back transom in the hope of catching a crab.