Up early and a walk to the esplanade where John caught the shuttle bus to the airport as his plane left at 9:00.
Just before we left I checked the crab trap and it had five blue swimmers in it and a small muddie. A huge slimy eel slipped out of the pot as I hauled it up, glad I didn’t have to deal with that. I put the trap back in the water until I got back as we were short of time.

On my return I let the muddie go and cooked up the blue swimmers. Martin and Ed called in for a coffee on their way south as their holidays are coming to an end. Morgan and I had an easy day of chores ( Morgan more easier than mine) ending with a walk through the park past about 150 people all performing synchronized exercises to music.
I checked the crab pot and this time I had three muddies, two of them slightly smaller than the regulation 15cm and the large one unfortunately was a female ( jenny) so I had to throw them all back.