Sunny Wind under 10 knts from the east
We woke up to another calm, flat morning after a good nights sleep. Our visitors are getting used to sleeping on a boat with all its strange noises.
After scrambled eggs for breakfast we unhooked the mooring buoy and headed down the western side of Hook Island towards Hamilton Island. The going was slow as the tide was against us and there was little wind. We arrived outside busy Hamilton Marina at about one o’clock and were escorted to our birth on F arm by a concierge in a little flat boat.

The overnight cost for our boat was $130 which I suppose is not too bad considering Abell Point is $150 per night without a discount.
Morgan was not allowed on Hamilton without a permit. I had applied for a permit the night before and did not receive it until late on the day we arrived. I had to fill in a form with all her particulars, colour, breed , sex etc and it said she must be under 10 kgs. Well she fasted very quickly before arriving.

We went ashore for a late lunch at the fish and chip shop where we were inundated by the local cockatoos and currawongs. The cockatoos were looking pretty unhealthy, I guess from eating a diet of junk food that they shouldn’t. They were missing crests, had deformed beaks, filthy feathers and generally looked unwell.
After lunch Dave and Laura explored Hammo by golf cart ($80 for 24 hours was better than $48 for one hour) and sussed out the best places to visit. John and I stayed on O’vive and completed paperwork, something that neither of us really wanted to do. Oh how great it is to be out of retirement. Not!
At happy hour time John and Dave drove up to One Tree Hill cafe overlooking Fitzalian Passage between Whitsunday Island and Hamilton Island. Morgan and I joined them a little while later. Now that her permit had arrived and she was granted shore leave we could walk, as long as she didn’t go into the resort area. The walk up the hill was hot, tiring and very steep. We took a detour to the little picturesque chapel overlooking the water which would obviously hold many weddings .

We finally made it to the cafe and found a plethora of golf carts lined up with happy drinkers inside and at the lookout waiting for the sunset.

After sunset we descended the hill and back to O’vive to feed Morgan. We then took the cart along to the tavern for a last meal together. We have had such a great time for the last six days.