Wind 25 – 30 knts High tide 8:05 Low tide 2:20
The predicted weather came true and we woke to very strong winds. Through the night the anchorage had been very secure with minimal wave movement. After fish for breakfast we pulled the anchor up and headed out into the real wind. With only the reefed jib up we sailed to Airlie in a 25 – 30 knt wind getting up to 12 knts at times. The waves were going with us so it was a pleasant sail.

Most of the boats were hiding or motoring a short hop to their next sheltered destination leaving the Whitsunday Passage most unlike its normal busy self. The trip to Airlie was quick, we enjoyed keeping ahead of a Seawind that had full sails up and John reckoned one motor going.
After tying up in the marina we had lunch up at Barcelona’s while the washing did its stuff in the marina laundry behind the restaurant.

After lunch I rode my computer back to the repair shop in the hope of the repair fellow retrieving the remainder of my emails which he hadn’t retrieved when he replaced my failing hard drive last week.

On dusk we walked and pushed our bikes along the boardwalk to dinner at The Breeze Bar with the crews from Moor R & R , Back Friday and Bojangles. The meal was small and tasty, though the prices for the wine were very expensive.

It was an amusing trip back as Paul , Bryan and John rode the bikes with the help of the water dog come husky. I was surprised there were no accidents as the speeds and antics in the dark left us listening for the inevitable.
We almost got home without until John came down the ramp onto our pontoon and his handlebars came loose and he fell off as he braked. Now he has a very saw arse muscle and suspects he has torn it. ( Don’ t laugh, and no I’m not going to massage it.)