SE 15 – 20 knts 32 nm Sunny
The wind changed direction and picked up from the mainland during the night making for an uncomfortable sleep. We had a short choppy swell as we were anchored in very shallow water and the whole area is shallow. Everything that possibly could was banging, clicking, clanging and making all sorts of annoying noises.
We pulled anchor as soon as we woke and hauled up the sails in about 18 knts of wind and headed off into an even stronger wind further out. It was an uncomfortable ride as the waves and wind were from the south and we were heading west at a fairly fast 10 knts. The rigging was shaking with the impact of the waves jarring the whole boat.
Once we rounded Cape Cleveland the whole scenario changed to flat water a little wind and we had a peaceful sail into Townsville Marina. We had covered the 32 nautical miles in 3.5 hours , not bad.

We tied up in the marina on B finger adjacent to the park and road at the end of the Strand.
After checking in and paying the reasonable rate of $96 per night we strolled up the Strand for lunch. Deb and Bryan were over from Magnetic Island ( Maggie) trying to get their alternator fixed so we caught up with them at the bathing pool cafe for a chat before they caught the ferry back.

Morgan , John and I strolled along the Strand looking at an art exhibition with some very interesting and different displays by local handicraft groups including the school children. I was fascinated by the coral reef display by the fabrics and weavers group.

We decided to stroll up to Molly Malone’s pub about one block from the boat for dinner. We were a bit disappointed as there was no Irish stew on the menu in an Irish pub. The Guinness pie had too much tomatoe paste in it but the bangers and mash were quite tasty.

The gelato shop opposite the marina was a great choice for dessert on the way home.
Tomorrow we pick up a mate of Johns and head out to Maggie for a couple of days.