Wind NE 10 – 15 Sunny
This morning the trap only produced two female blue swimmers , a small muddy and one male blue swimmer and nothing out of the ordinary. I dumped them all back and gave the trap a thorough clean as it was extremely muddy and had leaves sticks and weed caught in it. I didn’t put the trap back in as I already had plenty of crabs to eat.
The freezer finally got its well deserved defrost along with a few other things that have needed doing for a while.
Morgan and I strolled to the park for a game of ball then up to Woolies for a few supplies.

John’s plane due at 8:20pm was an hour late, so we waited in the park opposite the esplanade and ate a curry from the night markets food court. A couple of blokes were singing and playing guitar so we enjoyed mealtime entertainment.
While still waiting for John we strolled past the Cairns library and as part of the Cairns festival a presentation depicting the natural environment was being projected onto the outside wall of the library building. Craig Walsh is a renowned Australian artist known for amazingly grand artworks and his display titled EnLIGHTenment reflects the experience of living in this unique location and some of its wildlife.The sound and visual display was quite stunning and very enjoyable until the wall went dark and simulated a rain storm after which a large colourful gecko scurried across the wall.
Well that was it for Morgan she started barking at the lizard so we had to leave. She spent the rest of the way home very nervous, looking over shoulder for I am presuming, the giant gecko. I had a good laugh at her but would have liked to see the rest of the display.
John arrived back at 10 and actually got dropped off at the Shangri –la right in front of the marina.
We finally got word today that Doug and Sandra are able to come up for a week so we have extended our booking until next Sunday.