Wind SE 10 – 15 Sunny
Lovely outlook , lovely morning as we ate beans and bacon in the cockpit . Mt Kootaloo in the middle of the island dominated the scenery in the midst of lush green rainforest. All of us except Morgan went ashore for a short 30 minute beach and rainforest walk to Muggy Muggy beach round the north west corner.

Poor Morgan was so disappointed as she had to stay on the boat.on the return journey Leanne John and Stump strolled back along the beach in front of the devastated resort buildings to the cafe for a morning coffee.

Apparently the resort is slowly being rebuilt after damage from cyclone Larry and Yasi, the restaurant is up and running for private functions and the camping ground is functional. They still have a long way to go.

I decided to continue on and walk the 9 km circuit round the island and up to Mt Kootaloo with a height of 271 metres.

The more strenuous walk wound up through cool rainforest to the summit at 271 metres. Cyclone damaged rainforest on the lower slopes allowed glimpses over the island and reefs as the track ascended.
It was quite a climb but on reaching the top the view over the Family islands and nearby mainland was well worth it. Near the top the rusted remains of No. 27 radar station built during WW 11 to warn Australia of impending Japanese invasion are slowly being reclaimed by the forest.

The walk was very peaceful with the occasional Bronze winged pigeon strutting up the path and one very dark green tree frog idling the day away in the middle of the track. I only met three people along the way and that was almost at the start so it was a solitaire trip.

While I was enjoying the solitude John and Steve had gathered about a dozen green coconuts and taken them back to the boat.

They husked them in the cockpit making a huge mess and unbeknown to them the fibres had begun to stain the boat. Everywhere the the fibres had been we had tea coloured non slip and gel coat. What a mess, it looked awful. It took a very potent product called 30 seconds which I assume contains bleach to get it off. The coconut milk and meat was beautiful though. Next time we will husk on the beach.

The boys had worked up quite a sweat sawing and prising the husk off the coconuts so it was time for liquid refreshments.
We dinghied ashore to the Sunset Bar for happy hour and an early dinner as we had all missed lunch. What a lovely setting overlooking the fish filled waters across to Mission Beach. the The tables and bar were sitting on the sand under the palm trees . What a beautiful setting.
The menu was limited but what they had looked very appetising and reasonably priced. Top of the list was Corona shells, a large clam shell shaped bowl full of ice, king prawns and two coronas stuffed with limes. We couldn’t resist these so ordered two , plus salt and pepper squid and a reef and beef burger which Steve said was superb.

An excellent meal in excellent company with an excellent outlook was a fitting way to end Steve and Leannes visit on Ovive. Tommorow we take them across to Mission Beach so they can get a lift back to Townsville airport.