Not sure whether I like heading off in the dark, its a little hard to see whats out there however we had a fair few miles to cover to get to our destination so we up anchored at 4:30. The channel out of the bottom of Bribie was Island was easy as we could follow our track in.
We were keeping a sharp lookout for crab pots as they were scattered everywhere, even in the channel, very hard to see in the dark. The temperature was quite cool so we were rugged up in our winter sailing attire of pants and jackets.

Unfortunately for Debra and Wayne they hooked up a crab pot somewhere and dragged it until the rope broke however the float and rope stuck around their keel and prop. Lucky for them they didnt have their motors going.
Once the sun came up they hove to and Wayne jumped overboard and pulled the rope and float off. Glad I didnt have to do that. Debra said he wasnt in the water long.
We sailed up the side of Bribie island crossing the shipping channel at the top of Moreton Bay. Its scary when the freighters are coming at you along the channel at 15 knts. They are so large.
The day was uneventful, no fish and reasonably cool until after lunch. Must be that cold weather they are getting down home.
We spent the day eating, sleeping , sailing and motoring in light winds. The forecast 10 to 15 knts did not eventuate.

The screecher was hoisted as we couldnt sail with the main and the jib because the wind was right behind us.
Off Moolooba the locals were racing , we detoured around the fleet as I thought it prudent not to plough straight through them. looking back their colourful spinnakers were a sight to see.

The wind picked up so we furled the screecher and hoisted the main and motor sailed in the direction we needed to head. Storms on the horizon in the late afternoon saw us all reef our mains in preparation.

Eva Louise with reefed main.
The storms didnt reach us and we finally arrived at Double Island Point at 6pm. It was difficult working out where to anchor in the dark as we could see the anchor lights of the boats in the lagoon, however we couldnt get into the lagoon until daybreak and the tide was at the right depth.
Irish stew for dinner, delicious. Then a well earned sleep.