Wind SE 15 – 20 knts Sunny slightly overcast
Lazy morning aboard O’vive.

John donned his snorkel gear so he could retrieve his fishing line that had wrapped itself around the rudder last night.
We tried our new underwater video system and it works very well. We could see the bottom very clearly, the bottom was sand with sea grass dotted throughout, no fish though. I can’t wait to use it when we take up a mooring buoy over coral at some of the anchorages in the Whitsundays.
We up anchored and moved further up Shaw Island to the second anchorage down from Neck Bay and anchored in 9 metres of water, so we let out 45 metres of chain.
Took Morgan ashore in the dinghy and played ball up and down the beach.

Back on O’vive we fished with John pulling in several pretty Yellow Lipped breams and some grinners, all a tad too small.

The girls won the day ( well actually Jenny as Morgan just whined with excitement) with two decent size sweetlip which we had for dinner with chips.

The flesh was lovely and white and excellent tasting.
We felt we were a little too close to the coral if we swung round in the night so we up anchored and moved about a kilometre further south for the night.
Well done Jen! Noice fishy!! Any more fish today?
Met up with friends of boatie friends in Wood Wark Bay and had to have sundowners on the beach with them. Nice quiet anchorage even with about 10 boats in here as it is a pretty big bay. We will be in Airlie marina tomorrow for two nights. Missing you!
It would have been great to be there, no more large fish today, nice walk though.