Wind 15 – 25 knots S Sunny with showers
Still holed up.
Keppel Bay Marina have a free courtesy car available for a 2 hour stint, even the fuel is free. Our booking was from 8 to 10 so by the time we drove the ten minutes to Yeppoon we had just enough time to get a small amount of groceries, the paper and some fuel filters from a diesel joint out in the industrial estate.
John wasn’t feeling too well so he rested for most of the day. Jenny did a few chores then walked to the co-op to buy some bait , fish and mussels and to give Morgan some exercise.

We were invited to happy hour on Back Friday ( is cruising one big happy hour on various boats?) then back to O’vive for Spanish mackerel and chips. Delicious, the fish was last nights catch, however we had to buy it as we have yet to catch John’s favourite.
Tues 23rd 15 – 20 knts SE Sunny with early showers
The wind howled through the night tossing us about as we were beam to the wind. John got up to check the lines and said the wind got up to 50 knts.
I managed to get a doctor’s appointment to see if we could pinpoint John’s problem. He was an excellent doctor, recommended by Paul Lancaster who lives in Yeppoon. The doc said it was muscular not kidney or other organs much to John’s relief. He said most likely the intercostal muscle is damaged, it is aggravated by sports that require twisting such as golf. Drugs, rest and a heat pad were prescribed .
Paul took us on a tour of cyclone damaged Yeppoon, it was sad to see some of the original Queenslanders destroyed beyond repair. We visited the international golf courses the Japanese built and although they looked in magnificent condition they looked to be very underutilised.
Paul and Sue gave a carbonara and panacotta for dinner in their lovely house overlooking the ocean then drove us back to the marina. A lovely evening.