Sandras foot didn’t improve overnight so her and Doug thought it prudent to get a doctors opinion prior to heading off. We waited for them to get back from hospital before departing for the Kepples.
The prognosis was either a badly bruised heel or slightly fractured. The medico couldnt be more precise as they dont ahave an x ray machine at Yeppoon hospital they send you to Rockhampton. He said the treatment is the same anyway crutches, rest and a boot.
After motoring over to North Keppel we dropped anchor in Carsadine Bay in 3mts of water. The bottom looked barren with areas of green weed.

We cooked up the King Snapper fillets that I had purchased from the fish co op along from the marina then lowered the dinghy for a spot of afternoon fishing.
John, Morgan and I headed towards the rocky outcrops at the northern end of North Keppel however fishing was dissapointing,

John pulled in a small fusilear which we kept for bait and a couple of small cod, nothing big enough to keep. Still it was fun. then headed over to the beach for sunset drinks with Nyeki and Eva Louise and Friz and Tracey.

After fishing with no good results we headed over to the beach for sunset drinks with Nyeki and Eva Louise and Friz and Tracey.

Curried chicken for tea instead of fish. We have to have some variety, especially if we dont catch anything worth keeping.