Wind 10- 15 knots SW turning 20 -25 in arvo Sunny
28.5 nm HT 11.00 am
During the night the anchor alarm went off so we were running around naked in 20knts of wind, madly trying to determine if we had actually dragged. We made preparations to reset the anchor but then we swung back into position, it was just that the strong tidal flow and the cold front that had arrived was pushing us to the extent of our chain and we probably had slightly more than our 170 ft out. Back to bed feeling very cold,then Jenny up early at the low tide to try and spot the lost crab pot. No luck.

Up anchored at 9:00 and sailed on the jib up through Sheriden Flats, it was about 2 hrs off half tide but we still had 1.8 under the keel so no worries about running aground. We pulled up the screecher and goosewinged it and were doing 7knts in about 10 knts of wind. Nery nice and calm sail.

As we sailed up past Kingfisher eco resort on Fraser the wind started to get stronger, we only had the screecher up at this stage and still doing about 10 knts. As we got to the top of Big Woody the wind had picked up to 20 knts so we turned upwind and struggled to furl the screecher. Just as well as when we turned towards Urangan the wind got up to 23 knts. The screecher is not designed for such strong winds.

Motored towards the marina through the shallow channel past the yellow special marker with over 1.5 under the keel at 2 hrs off low. Arrived in the marina at 3:30 and tied up on E15 on the end of a finger. Nice and easy to tie up.
Went over to the next marina to visit Paul and Sue Lancaster (originally from Khancoban) on their boat Capri. They were there for some warranty work on their boat.
Had a very delicious meal with them and a mate of theirs at Cafe Baleena on the boardwalk.( seafood chowder and rack of lamb). They all came back to Ovive for a rum.
Question Jenn
What’s a gooswind
and a big woody /was that John
Tony Goosewing is when you have one sail to starboard and one to port, and no Big Woody is not John (could be) its an Island inside Fraser channels
Thanks Jenn and a pat for Morgan she looks like she’s having fun and hi to John keep reeling in them dish