Wind 20 – 30 knots S Sunny
Beautiful sunny morning with the wind starting to pick up. The three of us strolled over to the rock formation overlooking the marina on the southern side for a morning hike.

From the base it was a short 700mt walk up to the top of Double Head giving us bird’s eye views of the marina and outlying islands. The stepped path wove under hanging fig trees, vine thickets and hoardes of birds nest ferns. At the top we got a close up of Fan Rock, the core of an old volcano with spectacular basalt columns in a fan shape.

Once we reached the windswept top of the next head the vegetation changed to that typical of all the islands in the area of tussocks and grass trees. As it was a National Park we kept Morgan on a lead.

John felt ambitious and booked a round of golf at the Yeppoon Golf and Country club. There was no bus as it was Sunday and the courtesy car was booked out so Jenny organised him a lift with three old giggling ladies who took him right to the club house. His first swing gave him grief in the back so a fellow golfer gave him some Tramadol (very strong pain killer ) to ease the pain and he was able to continue. It didn’t go well with the after golf beer as he said he felt spaced out. The taxi ride back was $30.
The crews from Moor R & R and Back Friday came over for happy hour and dinner of venison ( far too dry) steamed vegies, chat potatoes and cauliflower au gratin. It was a very jolly evening.