After bacon sandwiches for breaky we pulled the anchor at 8:30 and sailed up the Sandy Straits on the jib. There was very little wind and as we kept changing direction we furled the sail and motored up through the channels to anchor on the eastern shore of Moonboom Island. The island is one of the thousands in the great sandy straits and is just north of the northern entrance to Garry’s anchorage. It is covered in low trees, shrubs and mangrove with lots of sand flies.

We anchored in 4 metres of water at the top of the tide then hopped in the dinghy and motored through the channels and over sand flats to the little fishing village of Maroom.
Maroom is very tiny with a boat ramp and pontoon, a park, caravan park and about 20 houses. Morgan and I played ball and kept an eye on the dinghy as some of the characters at the boat ramp looked dubious. John walked the 500 metres to the caravan park shop which he said was very small and purchased bait and milk.

Coming back took a lot longer as the tide had receded and the sand flats had dried so we headed some distance south down deeper channels until we could head north again.
Went ashore to a sand flat where John threw the cast net and gathered numbers of hardy heads each throw. Excellent bait.
Even I managed to get some when I had a go. We put the crab traps out in the hope of either blue swimmers or muddies but they came up empty. No fish on the lines either. Much better last night.

Steak and mashed potato with mushroom gravy, baked zucchini and steamed greens for dinner. Watched movie Lucy that Megs had lent us, pretty good.
Sounds like your having fun. Finally getting some bait. Now to catch the fish so you can have some for dinner and breaky.