Wind 20 – 30 knots SE ( almost blowing the black dog off the boat) Sunny slightly overcast
The wind got quite strong in the night and the small yacht next to us kept hunting around on its anchor and nearly running into us. John reckons he must have about 40 mts of chain out. Deb and Bryan said they had the same problem with him when they were anchored in the same spot. They ended up moving. John was up for 4 hours keeping an eye on him until the tide changed, I only stayed up for two. We had tea and biscuits at 2:00 in the morning. We couldn’t pull our anchor and reset it in the dark as it may have taken several attempts and with the tide rushing out in the dark it was too risky. We think the swivel on the anchor needs attention. Will have to wait till we get to a marina to look at it.

At 8 in the morning we pulled in the chain and anchored further out in the channel . We dinghyed across to the vast sandbar in the middle of the inlet where John flicked a plastic in the hope of catching a flathead. Morgan and I played ball and searched for crabs and fish in the shallows as the tide rose. John only caught one small flathead.

John went further up the inlet with the depth sounder in the dinghy and found a better spot to anchor out of the current. We motored Ovive through the other boats and found a little sanctuary where there was less wind, very little current and no swinging boats.
We put the crab pots out on the corner of Chinamans Creek in a gutter and then had happy hour on Bojangles (Rob and Lesleys) before we checked the pots. It was very enjoyable catching up with them on their Jeaneau 45. No crabs in the pots so left them till morning ( we put them out of the current this time).
John cooked Ray Grech’s scallop mornay for dinner, very delicious. No TV reception further up the inlet.