Wind 10 – 15 knots SE Sunny slightly overcast 62 nm
Up anchor at 5:45 and motored out of the Burnett River with the sun just starting to peek above the horizon. The channel markers were flashing red and green reminiscent of a plane runway.

Turned north out of the shipping channel and put up the jib , then our lovely blue and white screecher. Had both motors on for a couple of hours as the wind was quite light.
As the day progressed we were able to goosewing the jib and screecher making for a delightful sail averaging 7.5 knts.
John hauled in a small 3lb tuna mackerel that he had to quickly skull drag back to Ovive as we couldn’t slow down unless we dropped the sails. He filleted it for bait and for Morgan as I want her to eat more fish. Tuna mac have very dark meat, looks like steak.
Arrived off Pancake Creek (Bustard Head) at 4:00 pm to see 16 other boats in the 2nd anchorage where we usually anchor. We anchored directly off the beach in 4mts of water but once again the anchor chain was twisted and it took several attempts to get it to bite. Rob and Lesley off Bojangles arrived about an hour later.

Took Morgan ashore for her land fix where she ran madly up and down the heavy sandy beach. Looked like hard going.
Discovered Bryan and Deb from Back Friday were anchored amongst the fleet. We putted over to them in the dinghy and went on board for a beer. Deb was happy to see Morgan and get her dog fix. Back to Ovive for leftovers and an early night.