Wind 10 -15 knots SSE Sunny 44nmi
Departed the marina at 7:30 and headed on a course of 28° to get further out to the wind and be on a better angle for sailing to Port Clinton. We motor sailed for the first couple of hours then pulled up the screecher and goosewinged it with the jib to average 6.5 knts as the wind was quite light.
John caught another Tuna Mac, this one larger than the last about 30cm long. He cut it up for bait.
The day proved to be reasonably uneventful until a squall arrived became visible heading our way.. We hurried to pull in the screecher as we didn’t know how strong the winds were going to be. Visibility went to poor and the clears had to be zipped up. The auto pilot had given up on us earlier, it kept rounding up so we had to hand steer for the rest of the day. The autopilot was 30° out and did not line up with the compass.

We arrived off Port Clinton about 1:30 just as the squall departed and motored around Round Rock and through into the large bay. Back Friday and Moor R& R were already in. There was enough room to calibrate the autopilot as you have need flat calm water to go round in several large circles. Hopefully it is fixed. Dropped anchor about 2:30 off the southern shore and took Morgan over to a yellow sandy beach where she ran crazy. John cast the net but no luck.
Brian off Back Friday gave a couple of Spotted Mackeral steaks as he had caught a 70cm spotty whilst trolling along the way. John cooked them for dinner, it was very tasty. Early to bed as we seemed to be very tired.