90 nm Overcast Wind 5 -10 knts SW
Departed Yamba at 6:00 through the bar as we had anchored at Whiting Beach overnight instead of staying in the Marina, quite swelly in the bay. As we headed out the tide was coming in, there was stuff all wind and a slight fog. At least we had enough light to pick a track to exit the breakwater through the swell. A yacht was sitting outside waiting for the light so he could see to cross the bar as there were quite a few rolling waves on the northern end.
Pulled out the jib and headed north on 7.3 knots of wind , we kept the motors going as we wanted to get through the Seaway before the tide changed at 9:30 pm.
The day was uneventful only managing an average of 6.6 knts. John had several sleeps but because Jenny had taken tablets she couldn’t sleep so Morgan moved up to first mate instead of second.

We sailed close to the coast to keep out of the 3 – 5 knt current that flows south around Byron which was slightly further out. The wind shifted round to the north as we travelled further up the coast so we had to drop the jib and motor. Morgan and I saw a pod of dolphins and John saw a whale way out.

Arrived outside the Seaway ay 9:00 but tricky to distinguish the beacons on the breakwater against fisherman with red lights fishing in the entrance. Took it slow and finally dropped anchor at 9:30 off South Stradbroke Island just north of the Seaway. Reheated some stew for dinner then went to bed as we seemed to be very tired.