Wed 26th and Thurs 27th July Still at Heycock Wind 15-20 then 20 -25 knts

It pissed rain through the night and by the looks of the lush vegetation on Hinchinbrook the weather does this often. The dinghy was half full of water when we got up and needed draining. Although we didn’t get the forecast winds it was still quite blustery up the channel. Just to be sure we re anchored as we thought we might have dragged in the night.

While it was still raining, I gathered water for the water tanks and cleaned the outside of the boat and the cockpit.

Once the rain subsided, we checked the crab pots and what a surprise nothing. I thought Hinchinbrook was full of crabs and crocs. We saw neither. The guy in the boat next to us said he had his pots out for 4 days and got one crab and it was a Jenny. We put our pots away.

Whiled away the afternoon on Mulligan Geo and reading followed by steak and salad for dinner. John is disappointed as TV reception is poor.

On Thursday John trawled a lure along the mangroves hoping for a Barra with no luck. So no crabs, crocs or Barra! Just rain.

Water collection

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